One Finger Touch


My kids want to touch everything all time time. Whenever we go to a store and I’m afraid they are going to break things. I ask them to stop but they don’t. What should I do?


Kids always want to touch everything and there’s not stopping them. So why try? Let them touch things but with one stipulation: They can only use one finger. Continue reading “One Finger Touch”

Get a Great Bottle Brush


Somebody gave us a bottle brush and I really don’t know much about them. Are they all the same? Besides, I have a dishwasher. Do I really need one?


Yes, you will need one. Bottle brushes are not all the same. A bottle brush is one of the many tools that you will use on a regular basis. The hardware store carries 27 different types of hammers. If there wasn’t some difference, they won’t make so many, right? The same goes for bottle brushes. Continue reading “Get a Great Bottle Brush”